Friday, March 20, 2009

Jueves (March 19)

Hola a Los Familios y Amigos,

The theme for today seemed to be laughter. We had a great start with our morning devotional, again focused on responsibilidad. Priscilla drifted in a bit late due to her enthusiasm for one of the team projects...pintar con blanca. The rest of us had pretended to sleep while she dressed, had happily enjoyed our morning coffee, and were quite punctual.

The one-hour drive to the farm was an exciting lesson in the ways of Honduran roadways and drivers. The beautiful mountains were a welcome distraction as we raced around trucks on blind curves on a road with no line down the middle. (Don´t worry mom, we`re here to type up a report!). When we finally arrived at La Escuela Agricultura we all enjoyed the peaceful scenery and quiet, a welcome change from the bustle and horns of the city. Hector covered everything on our tour of the farm from the cultivation of crops to care and reproduction of the animals. It was quite impressive. We saw horses, cows, chickens, goats, stampeding sheep, a vicious dog and one big 250 lb. pig!

Our ride home was made more exciting knowing that if we did end up in a ditch, we would be covered in 300 pounds of chicken ¨"fertilizer". The sweet boys from the Farm graciously topped our van with enormous bags of chicken poo-poo, next to the five bags of Nike shoes. (more manana from Team Nike Carol)

We came back to El Hogar ready to work! We cleaned the dorm room and bathroom, swept the floors and walls all with the goal of moving the boys into the new dorm tomorrow. We were 15 women on a mission. While team Fresh Air (dos Jennys, Betsy, Celia, Ginger, Carol, Priscilla, Molly) tidied up team Green got started outside.

Team Green (Sandy, Nancy, Kate, Barbara, Stephanie and Claudia) benefited tremendously from the enthusiasm, motivation, and muscle of the 7th grade boys. They seemed to be thrilled with the work in the garden and managed to dig out a cement wall, spread lots of new, healthy dirt, and race to finish planting over 100 groundcover plants. We have a little more planting to finish up tomorrow afternoon but we made unbelievable progress in 2.5 hours.

The boys seemed to be very excited about the garden and ready to take ownership of it - hopefully thinking about watering and keeping the soccer balls and footballs out of the planting area - or at least away from the more fragile plants. They were sorry to end as the sun set, given that we still had some more planting to do, but are looking forward to finishing up tomorrow. Hopefully we will find a rock on which to paint a tribute to these amazing boys and plant it visibly in the garden. In addition, we will have a short blessing of the garden on Friday evening. Overall, a very successful day for Team Green and the 7th grade boys!

After many well deserved showers we all headed to the lovely Hotel Maya for dinner. Team WE-ep donned our finest (non-smelly) clothes and transformed into Team Giggle. We celebrated Father´s Day with Raul and laughed while we enjoyed a delicious dinner. It was a carefree and joyful time. Back at El Hogar we have full stomachs, sore muscles, and happy hearts. As a team we look forward to the wonders that tomorrow will bring.

Con Mucho Amor,
Sus Amigas: Dos Jennys, Ginger, Barbara, y Celia

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